Green vs red apple: Which is healthier?

 Apples are available throughout the year. According to an age-old adage, consuming this juicy fruit every day is known to keep the doctor away, too. Known for their taste and nutrition, apples are available in two types: red and green. While you may like to munch on both, have you ever wondered which is healthier? Here’s a lowdown from dietitian Shikha Kumari.

Apples,Health Benefits,Nutrition,Weight Loss,
Which one should you have for more benefits?

“Green apples are sour in taste and have thick skin, which makes them crispier. Red apples, on the other hand, are sweet, juicy, and have thin skin. It is due to their sweetness, people prefer red apples over green ones,” Kumari wrote in an Instagram post.

Is there a difference in their nutritional content?

There are minute differences in the nutritional content between the two types of apples. Green apple is a better source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K as compared to its counterpart, and contains more iron, potassium and protein, too. As per some studies, green apples can be better for people trying to shed kilos, Kumari noted.

“If you are trying to reduce your overall sugar intake then it is better to switch to green apples. Red apples, on the other hand, contain more antioxidants and are more delicious,” added Kumari.

So, is green apple healthier than red apple?

“Essentially, green apple is equally if not more beneficial than red apple. As mentioned earlier, red apples are more of a household staple, therefore the likelihood of consuming them is higher. Therefore in the long run, both green and red apples will have the same effect on the body even though green apples have a slightly better nutritional profile,” Kumari shared.

Commenting on the nutritional profile, nutritionist and food coach Anupama Menon said that since there are only minor differences in nutrition, there aren’t many nutritional benefits of green apples that red apples can’t replicate. “Only there are vitamin A-related health advantages, as green apples contain approximately twice as much vitamin A as red apples. As a result, green apples would be a more potent source of boosting vision, increasing immunity, lowering the risk of acne, and promoting bone health,” Menon mentioned.

However, she went on to add that since one consumes a wide variety of fruits, “whatever slight advantage one apple variety may have over another is negated when considering the bigger goal of nutritional adequacy in the larger scheme of things”.


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